Blog (engl.)

Blog (engl.)


Honorable Peace – and what brought up the idea?

Honorable Peace – and what brought up the idea? After we had talked a lot about the marked hostilities in …

New philosophical and theological foundations for Christian-Muslim dialogue

June 11, 2019, Report on 2019 May 27-29 »New philosophical and theological foundations for Christian-Muslim dialogue« Dear esteemed memebers of …

Dialogue as it was and as it could be

Dialogue as it was and as it could be Gottfried Hutter The basis of dialogue: in their essence all religions …

Mostly Unseen Problems in the Christian-Muslim Interreligious Dialogue

Mostly Unseen Problems in the Christian-Muslim Interreligious Dialogue Gottfried Hutter Psychotherapy has been deeply influenced by the ideal of dialogue …

A remarkable intolerance within interreligious dialogue

A remarkable intolerance within interreligious dialogue An impression I got trying to get invited to an interreligious conference of Religions …

Honorable Peace: The solution is unconventional 2

Honorable Peace: In this book religion appears in a completely different light. And this different light gives access to an …

Honorable Peace: There is no way to avoid what this book is offering

Honorable Peace: There is no way to avoid what this book is offering Honorable Peace. The new book “100 Years …

Blog (dt.)


Ehrenhafter Frieden – und die Vorgeschichte der Idee dazu

Ehrenhafter Frieden und die Vorgeschichte der Idee Ein wirklich ehrenhafter Frieden ist nur möglich, wenn er nicht aufgezwungen ist. Wie …

Ehrenhafter Frieden: Die Lösung ist nicht wie gedacht

Das Buch zeigt: Es kann es einen ehrenhaften Frieden geben zwischen Parteien, die über mehr als tausend Jahre hinweg verfeindet …