A keynote address by Gottfried Hutter

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Keynote Address A keynote address by Gottfried Hutter (Theologian; Chairman, Temple-Project Association, Germany) The 26th Annual Session of the Crans Montana Forum “How to implement peace around the world. Exceptional meeting of political & religious leaders” (Brussels; June 10th – 13th, 2015) The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies – Publications Institute for Cultural Diplomacy www.ccds-berlin.de www.culturaldiplomacy.org The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy



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Honorable Peace – Video 0:30

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Honorable Peace – Video 3:54

Honorable Peace - Video 3:54  Minutes English Feel free to embed this video <video poster="/wp-content/uploads/html5/en-long/video-background_en.jpg" controls="controls" width="1080" height="720"> <source src="/wp-content/uploads/html5/en-long/honorablepeace_en_master_longversion_v02_x264.mp4" ...

A keynote address by Gottfried Hutter

Datenschutzhinweis: Mit dem Klick auf das Videovorschaubild verlassen Sie das Angebot unserer Webseite Keynote Address A keynote address by Gottfried ...

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