Honorable Peace – Video 0:30

Honorable Peace – Video 0:30 Minutes English

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Transcript: Honorable Peace – Video 0:30 Minutes English

My name is Gottfried Hutter. And I just completed a book about peace in Israel and Palestine. To me it was clear that all religions are basically one – but different aspects.

Empathy the way to peace. This was exactly what I wanted to tell.

And the title of my book is “100 Years of Middle East Conflict – Honorable Peace.

Honorable Peace – Video 0:30 Minutes English, Video Thumbnail



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Honorable Peace – Video 0:30

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Honorable Peace – Video 3:54

Honorable Peace - Video 3:54  Minutes English Feel free to embed this video <video poster="/wp-content/uploads/html5/en-long/video-background_en.jpg" controls="controls" width="1080" height="720"> <source src="/wp-content/uploads/html5/en-long/honorablepeace_en_master_longversion_v02_x264.mp4" ...

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